Getting Started

Welcome to the project anjum documentation!

What is project anjum ?

Implementing authentication is always been a pain for developers as it is core and critical part of any application. Project anjum is an open-source, scalable, and fast way to build an authentication system. It is exclusively for nextjs applications with neon as the database for all the necessary methods. It provides you a low level control over your app with full freedom to implement authentication.

How it differs ?

There are many tools available to quickly add authentication in your app but they all take the full control of the process. They all offer many features but you have to let them control the flow , which raises the confidentiality and security concerns.

Project anjum is different , it offers the authentication by keeping the control to you. You are the person in charge . The whole database is yours so no more security concerns.

Just add it to your next app and let it do the job!

What do i require to use it ?

1. next.js

As it is excusively for next js you will require a next version with stable support for server actions. Make sure you have a valid nextjs project with required version 14.xx (or more) .

2. neonDB

Project anjum uses a neon instance to store the data. So make sure you have created a database with postgres neon.

That's it!

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