
Middleware is a piece of code that works as a interface between your client and server. It is used to perform tasks such as authentication, caching, and error handling. If you are new to this concept kindly check nextjs middleware.
Here is a simple example of middleware in nextjs.

import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { getSession } from "@/actions/anjum";
export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  const url = request.nextUrl.clone();
  const session = await getSession();
  //if already authenticated then redirect back to desired page
  if (url.pathname === "/login") {
    if (session.success) {
      //add path where logged in user should be redirected
      url.pathname = "/";
      return NextResponse.redirect(url);
    } else {
      return NextResponse.next();
  //this redirects the users to auth page if not authenticated
  if (session.success) {
    return NextResponse.next();
  } else {
    url.pathname = "/login";
    return NextResponse.redirect(url);
export const config = {
  //add routes in matcher array to protect them from unauthenticated users
  matcher: ["/", "/login"],

Depending on your need you can always edit the middleware file and add or remove routes.

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